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Phantasy Star III (Mega Drive)

This must be one of most known curiosities about PS 3 and certainly an interesting one. It happens right at the beginning of the game, when you must take your character Rhys to marry Maia. Before you enter the castle and meet your future wife, you can take Rhys to the items shop and sell the Boots he’s wearing. You earn 50 mesetas and you can buy an Escapipe.
Now you can take Rhys to Maia and the ceremony will start. Of course, the dragon will appear and take Maia away, and your father will send you to the dungeons to cool off.
The next move here would be to pick up the items and talk to Lena, which would help Rhys to escape from the dungeon. But remember… you have an Escapipe. What if you used it right now?
When you use the Escapipe, you leave the cell and you’re taken back to the entrance of the dungeon, where two soldiers are keeping guard. The stairs are right above and you’re back to the castle! However, this is all you can do. The way out is blocked, and the soldiers still say that you should go marry Maia.
If you talk to the king (your father) he’ll look surprised that you discovered the Escapipe trick, but he’ll say that the game cannot go on, and you must press the Reset button on your Genesis to start again.
However there is a way to go on, and Yoz showed it. After being arrested and taking the items from the dungeon, get close to Lena, but not very close. As distant as possible for Rhys to talk to her.
After she says “I’m Lena. I’ll help you escape. Follow me.”, you can command Rhys for a short moment while the dungeon door opens. Move Rhys up. Thus, instead following Lena, he’ll stay in prison and the girl will leave, following the script. That way you can search the dungeon, but you’ll only find restoration items.
When the Escapipe fails
Richard Labbé and Peloquin told me about other curiosities related to the use of Escapipe, which lead me to discover many others! They all look like a bug of the game. The curiosity works when you reach the end of a generation and you have an Escapipe.
When the next generation begins (and only at that moment), you can use the Escapipe. It can be on the satellites, inside the castles…
… it can even be in the middle of Aridia’s desert, where Sean begins, right after the destruction of the Satellite.
What happens is that you return to the entrance of the dungeon that the previous generation fought the last enemy. On certain cases, it’s no big deal. Look what happens to Ayn, for example…
If you use the Escapipe right at the beginning of Ayn’s quest, the group returns to the entrance by the fountains of castle Cille.
However, if you use the Escapipe with Cris…
… the group is taken back to Techna! The game can’t go on because no longer there are rockets to Satellite.
And you can’t leave the island either, because you don’t have Wren’s Aqua Parts or Aero Parts.
Perhaps the craziest thing is what happens to Nial…
Using the Escapipe, Nial immediately returns to Cille!
As you know, that part of the spaceship isn’t available to Nial’s generation. The Monitor shows you floating in space.
That part of the spaceship is frozen again, and once again you can’t leave Cille’s island.
However, if you return to the castle, you can enter the dungeon and find the king of Cille, still trapping Maia (that now has brown colors, instead of blue).
If you fight him, at the end he’ll say again that you must choose between Maia and Lena (it’s a bit weird someone asking you if you prefer a woman or your own mother). However, when the choices of wife appear, surprise! You can already choose between Laya and Alair.
That’s a nice way to skip the whole second generation. However, it doesn’t matter with whom you marry, the Laya’s Pendant that your character has simply won’t work. You need to return to castle Mystoke and get a real one. If you marry Laya and have Adam and Gwyn as children, they won’t have the Mystery Star that opens the cave to Frigidia, where Mystoke castle is. Thus, you can’t proceed on the game. But if you marry Alair and play with Aron, then you can reach Mystoke and finish the game skipping the second generation.
Forced to get married
This curiosity mixes a bit of the Escapipe bug with something funny. It happens at the end of Rhys’s generation, when the group fights the king of Cille.
As soon as the fight ends and before the king starts to speak, quickly press button C. That’ll bring the options menu before the king speaks.
Use the Escapipe and Rhys will be taken back to the entrance of the dungeon. However, the king starts to speak anyway.
And the marriage happens as always…
Boosting Kara ou Laya
On GameFAQs there’s a post about a bug that can help those who want to boost one of the final characters. It works on Kara or Laya (or Gwyn, if she’s Aron and Laya’s daughter). On this example, we’ll use Kara. After gathering all legendary weapons, you go to Skyhaven. Before talking to the elders, remover all the character’s items.
Then, talk to the elders. When you get the Nei weapons, screen colors will change and the characters’ sprites will get weird. That get a little better once you leave Skyhaven.
The characters’ names also get weird.
Equip the items back to that character. You’ll see her attack and defense points raise to more than 60,000! Wow!
Easy money and experience
Another one from Yoz. This is a bug that results in an easy way to earn mesetas and experience points. For that, have a character (who can use techniques during fights) with TP 0.
This hint only works in fights that the party surprises the enemy.
Go to that character’s techniques and try to use one. You’ll see the message that you don’t have enough TP.
Immediately, you’ll see the message that the party won the fight, and you’ll receive the money and experience points.
Dark Force
Now the following curiosity makes the game a bit more difficult, because we’re talking about going to the final battle against Dark Force with only four characters, not five. This is only possible when you play with Nial (son of Rhys and Lena) on second generation.
In case you never noticed, before the final fights of each generation, you can remove the items from all characters and give them to Mieu and Wren. So, when the next generation starts, they still have those items. And that’s what you must do here. You can give the Laya’s Bow to one of the cyborgs.
When you get to choose a wife to Nial, pick Alair. Aron will be born, and you can go on playing normally.
As you know, you must collect the 5 legendary weapons, which are Orakio Sword, Miun’s Claw, Siren Shot, Laya’s Bow and Lune Slicer. Kara already has the Lune Slicer; you get the Orakio Sword, Miun’s Claw and Siren Shot during your journeys around. What about the Laya’s Bow? You would get this weapon waking Laya up in Aridia, which went back to sleep after Nial married Alair. But you already have the Laya’s Bow. It’s with Mieu or Wren. Which means that you have all legendary weapons without having Laya in your group!
After changing the legendary weapons into Nei weapons with the council in Skyhaven, you are ready to fight Rulakir and Dark Force.
And you can go to the final battle without Laya.
During the game, sometimes it happens that the characters say something, but another thing happens. One such situation, well known, happens when you play with Ayn in second generation.
Following Lyle’s advice, you go to the Cape Dragon Spine and there you find a dragon, the one that kidnapped Maia on the beginning of the game.
The dragon helps the group to reach Techna, and there you find out that the dragon was Lyle. According to the text, Lyle bids farewell to his daughter Thea and dies.
However, when that generation ends, if you marry Thea, the text says that Lyle and Rhys gave their blessings to the wedding. How’s that, if Lyle died?
Another similar situation is when you gather all legendary weapons. When you talk to the elders in the cave of the Sage Isle, they say that Rulakir turned into a fiend.
But if you go to Lashute, you’ll see that Rulakir is still good. He only turns evil after you change the legendary weapons to Nei weapons.
Canonical, huh?
Algumas pessoas afirmam que os jogos lançados pela Sega são canônicos, o que significa que as diferenças entre os nomes em japonês e os nomes em inglês não seriam erros de tradução, e sim diferentes “universos” de Phantasy Star. Tal regra, portanto, incluiria a Tec Toy, um vez que ela é a representante oficial da Sega no Brasil. Vejamos o que a Tec Toy fez ao lançar a versão de PS 3 em português… Assim como em PS 2, alguns inimigos receberam novos nomes (e você achava que já tinha problemas com Noah/Lutz, agora quebre a cabeça pra tentar entender o motivo de dar novos nomes aos monstros!).
Frases muito estranhas foram adicionadas às pessoas de Cille, quando ainda se está jogando com Rhys. Essas pessoas alertam para você não tentar sair pela direita de Cille, o que acabaria fazendo com que você ficasse preso pra sempre. Porém, não há nada de mais ao se sair pela direita de Cille.
Até agora as coisas são curiosas, mas a Tec Toy parece ter prestado pouca atenção à tradução (ok, eu sei que o MEU inglês não é lá aquelas coisas, mas se eu fosse responsável pela tradução de PS 3, com certeza teria mais cuidado). Os nomes dos itens ficaram muito estranhos. Por exemplo, Mieu usa um Galão na cabeça, e suas armas são Grr Caca. Ah, qualé? Também parece que não encontraram tradução para o que diabos vem a ser Emel.
Muitas mancadas fortes existem no jogo. Por exemplo, a tradução de “Sapphire glows and you’re inside” (que deveria ser algo como “Safira brilha e vocês entram”) acabou virando essa porcaria de “Safira, você, e as luzes estão dentro”. Que houve? Traduziram “Sapphire, glows and you” como três sujeitos, é? Nota zero, Tec Toy!
O item Moon Tear foi traduzido como Rasgo da Lua. Usaram o verbo “to tear” (rasgar) ao invés do substantivo “tear” (lágrima), que mais tarde foi usado corretamente ao traduzir Dragon’s Tear para Lágrima do Dragão.
E o que dizer dessa, então? Ao se casar com Maia, Rhys diz que renuncia ao trono de Claim. Claim? Onde é Claim? Ele não vinha de Landen? Quando você lê a frase original em inglês, “I renounce my claim to Landen’s throne” (ou seja, “Eu renuncio ao meu direito ao trono de Landen”), você pode pensar duas coisas: ou os tradutores da Tec Toy são mesmo muito ruins, ou existe mesmo um outro “universo paralelo” na versão brasileira e existe um outro reino ainda não-descoberto, chamado Claim.
Coisas estranhas acontecem ao final do jogo na versão brasileira, também. Em dois finais, as mensagens vindas de Aerone e da Terra não são mostradas. Nesse final em que eles chegam à Terra, outra coisa estranha ainda acontece… a nave Alisa III parece estar arrastando o buraco negro onde ela caiu (clareei a tela para poder perceber melhor). Será apenas um bug? O que Stephen Hawking diria disso?
Por fim, existem erros pequenos de tradução e até de gramática, que são muito numerosos para se colocar aqui.
São erros como:

⇒ traduzir “at last” (finalmente) para “pelo menos” (at least)
⇒ colocar as falas de Alair no sexo masculino.
⇒ “por traz” em vez de “por trás”
⇒ “a mil anos” em vez de “há mil anos”
⇒ “viage” em vez de “viaje”, e por aí vai.

Ou será mesmo apenas um outro jeito de contar um “universo paralelo” de PS 3? Você decide!
Texto estranho na lateral do castelo de Landen
Ao iniciarmos o game, indo pela pela esquerda na trilha que segue por fora do Castelo de Landen, ao pressionarmos o botão “A” no local indicado na foto, perceberemos que Rhys ficou sem palavras.
Entretanto, na versão japonesa do jogo encontramos um texto おまえには となりの くにの ひめと けっこんさせようと おもっておったが que diz: “Eu pensei em casá-lo com a princesa do reino vizinho…” possivelmente uma lembrança de algo dito pelo rei, pai de Rhys, ou até mesmo uma fala do Rhys que teria mais sentido se fosse: “Imaginei que estive certo sobre me casar com a princesa do reino vizinho”. Para mais detalhes, visitem o post com a Semana Bizarra de Phantasy Star III: http://gazetadealgol.com.br/blog/?p=1140
Inimigos que só aparecem na versão Japonesa e na GBA
Algumas vezes acontece de censurarem uma ou outra coisa num game, em Phantasy Star III não é diferente. Neste caso deixaram de fora esse grupo de três inimigos (Ausentes na versão Americana e consequentemente na nacional).
Eles se encontram geração de Crys (Uma das ultimas) mais precisamente no castelo de Mystoken inclusive no subsolo do referido castelo
Eles assim como seus ataques são bizarro, basta entrar na seção de Sprites de Phantasy Star III e olharem por si só: http://gazetadealgol.com.br/diversos/sprites/ps3 Basta procurar por Twistbot, Swivlbot e Rotabot que são seus nomes
diversos/curiosidades/ps3eng.1607203446.txt.gz · Última modificação: 2020/12/05 13:24 por yoz

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