Behold! The World of Phantasy Star!

Chique esse título, hein? 🙂


É realmente uma pena eu não saber japonês, porque o conteúdo deste livro parece ainda melhor do que o do Compendium. It’s a pitty my Japanese is pretty lame, because this book seems to be even better than the Compendium.

Ele não tem tantas imagens exclusivas de Phantasy Star, mas está recheado de entrevistas com programadores e coisas do gênero. Temos que traduzir esse treco! It may not contain as many exclusive images as the Compendium, but it is filled with interviews with the programmers and stuff like that. We have to translate this!



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2 comentários em “Behold! The World of Phantasy Star!”

  1. Wonderful. Phantasy star’s a awsome game! I played for the first time ps2 when i was 9. And me and my mate finished the game even not understanding the game completely… nice website, i just hope they’ll do a phantasy star remake (ps1 and ps2). Regards,

    – Eddie Mccloud

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