====== Phantasy Star OnLine ====== ^ OnLine? ^^ |Many fans were disappointed by Phantasy Star Online because nowhere on the game you get to know exactly what’s the connection with the other games. PS Online, in its many versions, tell the storty of the inhabitants of planet Coral, that built spaceships to escape the planet’s environment issues, and found planet Ragol. When the ship Pioneer 2 was approaching, an explosion happened on the planet e contact was lost with Pioneer 1, that arrived earlier. That’s how the game begins.|{{:diversos:curiosidades:psonline002.jpg|}}| |The weak connection is represented by the items, that have similar names, and the last boss, which is called Dark Falz.|{{:diversos:curiosidades:psonline001.jpg?2000|}}| ||| ^ [[diversos:curiosidades:ps2taeng|⇐ Phantasy Star 2 Text Adventures]] ^ [[diversos:curiosidades:start|Home Page]] ^ [[diversos:curiosidades:psueng|Phantasy Star Universe ⇒]] ^ | {{:images:filler.png|}} |||