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Raças e classes

Em relação ao PSO de Dreamcast, o jogador tem agora três novas opções ao criar seu personagem: HUcaseal, RAmarl e FOmar.


Descrição do manual:
Ótimo em combate a curta distância. Tem o potencial de crescimento mais equilibrado, e algumas técnicas de ataque e restauração
Descrição do manual:
Tem técnicas muito fortes, além de ser bem versada no combate a curta distância. Tem o HP mais baixo da classe dos hunters.
Descrição do manual:
Peritos no combate a curta distância, os HUcasts têm o maior potencial de ataque dentre as classes disponíveis. Não podem usar técnicas, mas podem usar armadilhas.
Descrição do manual:
Perita em combate a curta distância, com excelentes reflexos que resultam em alta precisão e grande habilidade de esquiva. Não pode usar técnicas, mas pode usar armadilhas.


Again, a balanced class, good with ranging, and also decent with meleeing due to their highest ATA potential. Take advantage of this, and use weapon specials such as charge, spirit, demons and hell often. They still need hit, but an S-Beats Blades can save a lot of time versus Recoboxes. Also, they get Shifta & Deband, so make sure you use those (Only up to level 15 though…). This character is highly a good choice due to having Shifta & Deband, great ATA, very good ATP, and access to good weapons. Among a few insanely high levelled RAmars I know of, Fossil’s, and Black Hound’s Vector. Vector is definitely the coolest RAmar I’ve seen so far. I haven’t even seen Fossil’s yet, so I don’t know if I can judge. Good job on 200 to both of you.
This class has the highest EVP. Great all around, as the humans are, she gets level 20 to all techs except Megid, Grants, and Reverser. Yes, that means they get level 20 Shifta, Deband, Jellen, Zalure, and Resta. It’s great. Keep the generic ranging equipment about you, and you’ll have no problem. Good mags for her are ones that cast invincibility for their specials, as the Shifta & Deband isn’t really needed. Of course, if you do have a mag with those, take it around in multi-player games. You never know when you’ll need to be the one with the Mylla & Youlla photon blast for 4-way chains.
This guy makes a great tank, but that’s not all he’s good for, not at all. He gets the highest HP out of all classes, and the second highest DFP in the game; Following closely behind the RAcaseal. Due to being an android, he gets automatic HP recovery. This is a good thing, as rangers shouldn’t be moving too much anyway. Keep him near the front when he’s high enough to take more shots than anyone else on the team. The RAcast also has the highest ATP of the ranger class, so don’t think he can’t hold his own. Being an android ranger, he benefits a lot from the Spread Needle. Mainly because, well, it’s the Spread Needle, but also, it has a paralyzing special, and, as mentioned before, androids get an effectiveness boost to paralysis specials.
Almost a lesser RAcast, there’s really not much else to say about her. Again, keep on the standard ranger equipment and you should have no problem. Like the HUcaseal, don’t hesitate to use your traps. They can be regained at the hospital. She has a lower HP total, but higher DFP. In fact, it’s the highest in the game. Personally, I think higher DFP is better than higher HP, because among the set damage attacks (meaning they do the same amount of damage every time you’re hit by them), there are only the Gillchic’s lasers, and Dark Falz’s swipe. Especially Dark Falz’s swipe, because you need to fight him at least twice, but in ultimate, you don’t need to. Of course, who doesn’t want all of that experience?


The FOmar. Oh the FOmar. He gets bonuses to the normal techs and Grants. He has extended Shifta & Deband range as well. A better meleer than caster, use weapons like a high hit Double Saber, and a high hit Rainbow Baton. Getting the Rainbow Baton will be detailed in the merges section. Make sure that your weapons have hit on them, because his ATA maxes at 163 (this is known as “very low”), and there’s no S-Parts to help him out.
Once again, we have a force that’s better for meleeing than casting. The FOmarl can also cast pretty well, just like the FOmar, but to a lesser extent, due to her having bonuses to support techs and Grants, rather than attack techs. Try outfitting her with a Rainbow Baton, and high hit gun. In addition to this, try carrying around a Caduceus. This is a rod-type weapon that can boost Grants by another bit, making the strength of Grants even better. She also can act as more of a support force, due to having double Shifta, Deband, Resta, and Anti range. This will definitely help if you are an online player and/or play a lot of multi-player offline.
FOnewm, the craziest of forces in my opinion. This class has a bonus to the normal techniques and hard techniques. Just in case you don’t know what those are; they’re Gifoie, Gizonde, Gibarta, Rafoie, Razonde, Rabarta, respectively. Can you say nuker? I can. Ahem, this class is just what I said, great for nuking. He can clear rooms in very little time. Walk into the middle of the room, cast Gifoie at a high level and watch as nothing touches you (maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the message). Anyway, try to get a Sorcerer’s Cane, which lowers TP cost by ten percent and has a Geist special (absorbs TP). Another thing to set your sights on is the Psycho Wand. An uber weapon, as most have dubbed it, this is a great weapon because not only does it halve the TP cost in exchange for the full cost out of your HP (IE: Tech costs 40 TP. With Psycho Wand equipped, tech costs 20 TP and 40 HP), but it boosts Ra techs by 30%. It’s a great weapon, and that’s why it’s so hard to get.
Alright, the FOnewearl. This is a great class in terms of casting. The FOnewearl gets the highest MST stat in the game. No other class gets higher MST than her. She also gets a bonus to all the simple techs, meaning she is a great one-on-one caster. Though I have found in my time of using a FOnewearl (I got to like, level 20 something, and only made it to hard mode), that she wasn’t efficient in clearing rooms easily. But that’s just my opinion and Cranberry will probably be sure to run into this topic and smack me with a giant Foie of d00mzorz in the face. Anyway, make sure that one of your weapons is the Summit Moon, which multiplies the damage of all simple techs by 1.3. This is great when added to the already self boosting that the FOnewearl has. A lovely addition to the already great FOnewearls is that they have piercing Megid, meaning episode 2 is much easier for them. Another thing is that they have doubled Resta and Anti range. This makes them also decent at support.

Várias informações tiradas daqui.

jogos/psoep1e2/classes_e_racas.1297454324.txt.gz · Última modificação: 2011/02/11 11:58 por orakio

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